Guest Blog by award-winning author Barbara Stark-Nemon I was on the third day of a bicycle trip from Lisbon, Portugal to the Alhambra in Granada,...
Why Write Fiction Based on the Past?
This is a guest blog by historical fiction author Bruce W. Bishop. I found a treasure when I was a child in the 1960s. It was in the attic of the...
Why I Write Historical Fiction
This is a guest blog by historical fiction author Lindsey Fera. People often ask me what got me into writing historical fiction and eventually,...
Is It Your Story to Tell?
This is a guest post by historical fiction author Patricia L. Hudson. These days there’s a great deal of discussion within the publishing world...
How to Attract Younger Readers to Historical Fiction
My daughter once asked if I was born in the 1900s and if life was in color back in the olden days. I realized right then how important it is to...
What I Learned About Being a Writer From My Mother Who Was an Artist
There’s a voice in the back of my head, whispering, encouraging, imploring me. It sounds very like my mother, who spent her life sandwiching...
Family Memory Collages – Fact or Fiction?
On this Fifth Tuesday of the Month, PLW welcomes historical fiction author Trisha Faye as our guest blogger. ~ A collage of memories pasted in my...