
historical fiction books | historical romance books
Kathryn Pritchett
Journalist turned novelist writing about strong women forged in the American West

About the Author

Kathryn Pritchett writes about strong women forged in the American West—including the People’s Republic of Berkeley. (See her most recent short story in the Paper Lantern Writer’s anthology Unlocked.) She is seeking representation for her debut novel, The Casket Maker's Other Wife, which was inspired by her polygamous great-great-grandparents tempestuous marriage. Her WIP, To See the Love-Light, features Gilded Age actress Maude Adams, Broadway’s original Peter Pan. A journalist by profession, Kathryn has written primarily about design for numerous print and online publications. Her popular first-person column Things Elemental ran for many years in a large daily Bay Area newspaper and evolved into her lifestyle blog She is currently serving as the Vice Chair of Communications for the Garden Club of America. Kathryn lives in the Oakland Hills where she enjoys playing with her six grandchildren, knitting outlandish outerwear and puttering in her (mostly) deer-resistant garden.