
historical fiction books | historical romance books
Blog Posts by C.V. Lee
Holiday Legends: Fact or Historical Fiction

Holiday Legends: Fact or Historical Fiction

On long days of winter, what could be more enjoyable than cozying up by a fire with a mug of hot chocolate, a plate of holiday Christmas cookies, and a delightful holiday read that transports to another place and time? Our ancestors have blest us with many wonderful legends, some based on real people, others figments of a great imagination. Folklore often varies by country and even by region, so there are plenty of tales to entertain us throughout the dark days of winter.

C.V. Lee’s Historical Fiction Short Story Picks

C.V. Lee’s Historical Fiction Short Story Picks

Since becoming an author, I have discovered a special place for short stories in my writing.

Not every moment of a character’s life shows up on the page; only those relevant to the tale we are weaving. But as their creators, we need to know and understand the significant experiences which molded their world view; their unique backstory that explains their thoughts, words, actions, and reactions.

Q & A: What Historical Fact Influenced the Narrative or Characters in Your Novel?

Q & A: What Historical Fact Influenced the Narrative or Characters in Your Novel?

Research is an essential while preparing to write a historical fiction novel. The challenge for the author lies in the decision about what and how much to include, and what edit out. After uncovering some fascinating historical fact or details, we want to share it with our readers. Unfortunately, not every bit enhances or propels the story narrative forward, but instead too much exposition or irrelevant tangents irrelevant can bog down the pacing. But then, sometimes there is that amazing, little-known tidbit that changes everything—a piece of information, perhaps a prevailing belief or event, that influences how your character thinks or behaves and enhances the storytelling in ways we never imagined. 

29 Historical Fiction Books Set in the English Channel Islands

29 Historical Fiction Books Set in the English Channel Islands

Located off the coast of Normandy, France, the English Channel Islands are rich in history. When visiting these islands, it feels like stepping back in time. Before travelling to a country, I enjoy reading novels set in that locale. If you plan to visit the English Channel Islands, or just want to learn more about them, I’ve compiled a list of historical fiction books (and a couple of non-fiction books) for you to choose from.

Q & A – What Sparked You to Write That First Novel?

Q & A – What Sparked You to Write That First Novel?

Perchance I am an unlikely novelist. In school, I was never particularly interested in writing although I was always an avid reader. The idea for writing my first book came when I was helping my middle son research his ancestors for a genealogy report when he was in the 2nd grade in 2001. I did some preliminary, but very minimal, research, and then set it aside. Then one day in 2017, I was super bored and decided maybe I should revisit that old idea of writing a book. Five years later, after hours and hours of research and numerous edits

Women of the Reformation

Women of the Reformation

My current work-in-progress is set in the 16th century during the Protestant Reformation. In the Western World, we still recognize names of...

Quotes as Turning Points

Quotes as Turning Points

Back in my young mother years, I was watching a talk show and a guest commented that ‘at 40 her life was over.’ What I believe she meant was that...

Spring Fling Medieval Style

Spring Fling Medieval Style

Deprivation, devotion, followed by a bit of chaos. That seems to be the hallmark of the holy days during the medieval era. As winter approached,...

Q & A – Novel Pet Peeves

Q & A – Novel Pet Peeves

Every day, more and more novels become available for our reading pleasure. But sometimes, in the rush to get a novel written and published, things...